The 41st Iowa Governor's Charity Steer Show Fundraising Surpasses Previous Years, Raising $501,000
Continuing the upward streak, the Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show exceeded the previous year’s fundraising total donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa. This year’s event raised $501,000. Including this year’s donations, the Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show has raised almost $5.1 million since the event’s inception in 1983.
All money raised benefits the three independent Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa, located in Des Moines, Iowa City, and Sioux City. These three houses have served over 55,000 families from all 50 states and 62 foreign countries. Families from all 99 counties in Iowa have benefited from the Ronald McDonald Houses of Iowa.
This event, hosted by the Office of the Governor of Iowa, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, and Iowa Beef Industry Council, is another example of the care the beef cattle industry has for our state, rural communities, and those in need. The youth exhibitors, their families, sponsors, celebrities, and buyers should be proud of their effort given to this year’s event. Their impact through volunteering, donations, and dedication created yet another successful show and fundraising outcome.
Recognizing the Winners
The 41st Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show was held on August 12 in the Livestock Pavilion at the Iowa State Fair. Winners in four categories were recognized in the show ring – Community Hero, Grand Champion Showman, People’s Choice, and Judge’s Grand Champion. This year’s event hosted 24 sponsored steers, shown by their youth exhibitor and a local celebrity.
The Community Hero Award recognizes the youth exhibitor that goes above and beyond collecting non-monetary donations and creating awareness for the event. This year two exceptional youth exhibitors were recognized for their efforts. Will Vlasek from Cedar Rapids and Colbie Fevold of Gladbrook were both honored with the Community Hero Award for collecting non-perishable donations, pop tabs, and sharing information about the event on social media. Will was sponsored by Eastern Iowa Ronald McDonald House and Quad Cities McDonald’s and showed with celebrity, Rebecca Kopelman, a meteorologist from KGAN. Colbie was sponsored by Iowa Premium and showed with the 2022 Tama County Fair Queen, Kaylynn Murty.
Our showmanship contest was judged by Dr. Dan Loy, who recently retired from the Iowa State Beef Center. He commented that showmanship is a partnership between the steer, the youth exhibitor, and the celebrity. He awarded Emma Wayson of Mount Auburn, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig, and Junior the steer, with Grand Champion Showman. Emma, Secretary Naig, and Junior were sponsored by Benton County Cattlemen and Local Supporters.
A fan favorite, the People’s Choice Award, gives the audience and team supporters a voice in the competition as they help select the winner of this event. Show emcees, Bob Quinn with WHO Radio and Duane Murley with KWMT AM 540, worked through the steers and had the crowd on their feet and cheering loud for their favorite. In the end, it was the 2022 Iowa State Fair Queen, Mary Ann Fox, and her youth partner, Taylor Quade from Charles City, along with her steer, Max, that took the award home. Mary Ann, Taylor, and Max were sponsored by Friends of Floyd County.
Finally, the most prestigious award of the show, the Judge’s Grand Champion, was selected. Brad Pellett from Atlantic, Iowa had the hardest task of working through and judging the stellar lineup of steers and showman. Celebrity Blake Boldon, Franklin P Johnson director of the Drake Relays and senior associate athletic director at Drake University, and his youth partner, Tyson Mohr from Ladora, received the honor. Batman, the winning steer, along with Blake and Tyson were sponsored by Dee Zee, Inc.
Following the show, a live auction was conducted to raise funds through the sale of each steer and some additional value-added items donated by industry supporters and celebrities. These funds were added to the donations received by each youth participant, resulting in the $501,000 donation going to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa.
Thank you to Governor Kim Reynolds for her continued dedication to this event and for her partnership with Iowa beef cattle producers. This event is a rewarding and humbling experience for all that participate. While the financial results are exceptional, the connection our participants, their families, and volunteers experience to the bigger picture of service the Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show offers to fellow Iowans and beyond is monumental.
For a list of sponsors, youth exhibitors, steers, celebrities, donors/buyers, and funds raised by each, please click here.
Sponsors, Celebrities, Exhibitors and Steers
1. Sponsors: Iowa Beef Industry Council and Iowa Cattlemen's Association
Celebrity: Governor Kim Reynolds
Exhibitor: Marcus Gaul, Strawberry Point, IA
Steer: Frank The Tank
Total: $48,017
Buyers: J&D Restaurants, Eagan & Company CPA, Governor Kim Reynolds
Additional Donors: Angie Macke, Mark Funk, Tonya Dardis, Barbara Hansel, Gosling & Company PC, Alison Hess, Meghan Orr, Zittergruen Farms, Don Brittain, Jim & Andrea Smith, Hillside Partners, LLC, Mary Jo Goldsmith, Kris Plagge, Susan Schaller, Kerry Jackson, Patricia Collier, Beth Jaeger, Emily Degenford, Lori Gearhart, Herb Recker, Eric Cheme, Edgewood Locker, Del Clay, Silver Edge Cooperative, Kelchen Grain, Madison Ave. Design, Community Insurance, Titan Machinery, Evolution Ag, Monti West, Larry & Judy Smith, Tim & Joyce Foster, Jim & Jody Kerns Family, Putz Cattle, Woodcenter Eagles 4-H Club, Kendrick Forest Products, Clayton Co. Corn Growers, Community Savings Bank, Schulte Cattle Equipment, Farmers Savings Bank, Clayton Co. Cattlemen, Delaware Co. Cattlemen, Lincoln Feedlot, Lincoln Co. Cattlemen, Vita Plus, Edgewood Reminder, Lueken Beef, Edgewood Vet Clinic, Larry & Marge Gaul, Ryan & Stacy Zitelman Family, Strawberry Feedlot, Gaul Ag Service, Fannon Welding, LLC, Bob & Peggy Schilling Family, Edgewood Feedmill, Jason & Laurie Wiskus Family, Brad Leclere, Danny & Linda Tegeler, Marv & Gina Heims, F & M Bank, Wesselcrest Holsteins, Massage by Lexi, Anonymous, Mitch & Jennifer Ronnenbaum Family, CATTS Cattle, 2023 Clayton County Fair Royalty, Laura Kammarmeyer, Bill & Linda Radamacher, Adam Monaghan, Gary’s Feed Store, Abel & Sarah Bockenstedt, Nutrien Ag Solutions Edgewood, Elise Bergan, John & LeaAnn Smith Family, Terry & Cherlene Krogh, Steve Boar Farm Financial Strategies, Jeff & Amy Mensen Family, Cody & Mary Everett Family, Dave & Janet Zitelman, John & Kara Wessell, Kevin & Jackie Ditsworth
2. Sponsors: Crawford County Cattlemen and Nor-AM Cold Storage
Celebrity: Lt. Governor Adam Gregg
Exhibitor: Keagan Eischeid, Manning, IA
Steer: Dewey
Total: $12,181
Buyer: Sioux County Businesses
Additional Donors: Gwen Eischeid, Virginia Rasmussen, Julie Graeve, Beth Bandow, Crawford Co Cattlemens, NorAm Cold Storage (in memory of Dale Lilleholm), Hinners Ag Supply, Cogdill Farm Supply, Hoegemeyer Seeds – Sean Raukerkus, Eischeid Brothers Trucking, Cyclone Custom Pumping, Eischeid Show Cattle, Aspinwall Coop, Kirk Huehn – State Farm, Robinson Implement, Koo’s Kattle Company, Circle J Livestock, Bank Midwest, AMVC Veterinary Services, Van Wall, The Observer, The Manilla Times, WICCP, Premier Ag Systems, Blue River Waters, Heartland Builders Co., M & N Ag Systems, Denison Livestock Auction, Phil Fevold Show Steers, Advanced Communication Services, Scott Hodne-Producers Livestock, KD Farms, Dave Schwarte – Farm Bureau, Otto Show Cattle, Leslie & Debra Outhouse, Lorene Reimer, Borchers Supply, Century 21 ProLink, Chapman Farms, Community Oil Co., Hulshof Farms, Kooima, Kooima, Varilek Trading, Koopmans Concrete Co., Tony & Terri Lauters, P & R Construction, People’s Bank, Porter Funeral Home, Rehder Farms, Rivers Edge Bank, Rock River Feeders, Sioux Co. Cattlemen’s, Siouxland Machine, Van Regenmorter Farms, Vermeer & Sons Farms, Winterfeld Feed & Transport, Zomer Company Realty & Auction
3. Sponsor: Davis County Beef Promoters
Celebrity: Dr. Matt Thompson, President of Indian Hills Community College
Exhibitor: Baron Davis, Bloomfield, IA
Steer: Curtis
Total: $17,750
Buyer: Sinclair Tractor
Additional Donors: Daniel Peed, Tammy Clymer, Teresa Matthews, Community 1st Credit Union, Winger, M3 Fabrication, Dusty Ware, Cargill Feed Division, Spilman Auto Salvage
4. Sponsors: Mahaska County Cattlemen & Friends
Celebrity: Simon Conway, iHeart Radio Personality/WHO Radio
Exhibitor: Merek Padgett, Oskaloosa, IA
Steer: Jim
Total: $13,004
Buyer: Knupp Farms
Additional Donors: Lisa Anton, Hannah Koellner, Carrie Labertwe-Ver Ploegg, Connie Ferguson, Michael Sytsma, Adam & Erica Antolik, Adam & Justine Brink, Allesha Landgrebe, Allied Gas & Chemical, Amie Adams, Animal Health Center of Oskaloosa, Austin & Jennifer Norris, Bates Funeral Chapel, Boender Custom Farming, Bremer Show Cattle, Brian & Karey McCrea, Bridgemark Insurance Group, Brink Farms, Deanne & Daniel Goodman, DeBruin Trenching, DeJong Manufacturing, DeJong-Ferguson Show Cattle, Dennis & Karen Antolik, DFS, Eric & Andrea Franje, Eric & Mary McCrea, Glenn & Holly Padget, Goodman Farms, Jackson Seed LLC, Jeremy & Kiley Lobberecht & Family, Joe & Linda Taylor, Justin Van Engelenhoven, Kalvig Cattle Co, Ken & Artie, Knoxville Regional Livestock Market, Langkamp Funeral Chapel, Legacy Real Estate Group - Heather Davis, Lifetime Dental, Local Disposal Inc., Mahaska Co. Farm Bureau, Mahaska County Cattlemen, Mahaska Drug, Mahaska Health Partnership, Mahaska Rural Water, Mark & Janine Moore, Mark & Jessica Willet, Mark & Kelly Long, Marlene Van Engelenhoven, Max & Marilee McGee, McKim Tractor, Melody's Kitchen, Middleworth Club Lambs, Midwest One Bank, New Sharon Chiropractic, PC, Nutrien Ag – Oskaloosa, Oskaloosa Chiropractic, Outer Limits Truck Repair, Ozinga Feed Service, Peggy McCrea, Pro-Line Building Company, Ryan & Michelle Clarahan, Shawn & Angie Van Engelenhoven, Smith Black Hereford, Southern Iowa Fair, Steve Ferguson, Steve & Kim Tanner, Stout Trucking, Tama USA, Veldhuizen Cattle Co, Veldhuizen Chiropractic & Wellness, Warren & Lynn McGlothlen, Wood Iron Grille, Wyffel Seeds - Clint & Ashton Long, TK Agriculture Inc.
5. Sponsors: Central Iowa County Farm Bureaus (Boone, Dallas, Greene, Grundy, Hamilton, Hardin, Jasper,
Marshall, Polk, Story and Webster)
Celebrity: Jason Henderson, ISU Vice President for Extension & Outreach
Exhibitor: Michael Illg, Clare, IA
Steer: Hefty
Total: $10,232
Buyer: Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
Additional Donors: Friends and Family of Michael Illg
6. Sponsor: Dee Zee, Inc. (The Quality Truck Accessory People)
Celebrity: Blake Boldon, Franklin P. Johnson Director of the Drake Relays
and Senior Associate Athletic Director at Drake University
Exhibitor:Tyson Mohr, Ladora, IA
Steer: Batman
Total: $24,030
Buyer: Friends of Dee Zee, INC. (The Quality Truck Accessory People)
Additional Donors: David Gray, ShowCoat Solutions, Mike Wattieer, Charlie Nielsen, Marna Mohr, Blake Boldon, Gary Rhinehart, David Edwards, Mark Neuhaus, Stacy Montross, Local supporters of Tyson Mohr and Batman, Betenbender Show Cattle, Kaleb and Bethany Gorsch, Hynick Diesel and Dyno, Terra Products, Rob and Mary Veatch, Garman Show Supply, Show Coat Solutions, S & S Appliance, Brian Miller Excavating, Kempf Excavating, Ladora Stora, Dalton Livestock Inc., Ambush Engine and Dyno, Dan and Kris Burck, Farm & Family Vet, Todd, Janelle, Sam, & Ben Roberts, Rose Haven Nursing Home, Travis Schlabach Calf Coolers, Gary and Brenda Hansen, Dylan and Katie Wade Family, Cornfed Farms, Haack Custom Application, Julie Heitshusen, J. Deneve Lawncare, Deneve Enterprises, Bear Creek Image, 211 Ag, Dennis and Patty Shine, Kevin Heitshusen, Ozinga Feed Service, Ken and Connie Blomme, Blackwall Fitness, Niemeyer Electric, Abbi Garling Photography, Frank and Carrie Davis, Roger Pobanz, Brooklyn Medical Center, Kathy Kaplan and Steve Schaffer, Farmers Trust and Savings Bank, Jim and Becky Risdon, Thompson Family, Arnold VanderEide, Iowa Grain Systems, Southeast Iowa Insurance Services, Ethan Heitshusen, McNaul Real Estate - Karen McNaul, Nettiannes, Van Wall Equipment - Kevin McNaul, Sean and Mary Wetjen, Heartland CO-OP, Midwest Beef Systems, Darwin and Sharon Rieck, Gary and Marlene Read, Joe and Dawn Driscoll, Ace Hardware, Williamsburg, Adam Heitshusen & Jordan Smith, P&L Grinding, Brandt and Jess Uhlmann, Steven, Lindsey, Presley, & Violet Warnick, Timm Cattle, Blythe Crop Solutions, Veterinary Medical Center, BigIron - Chris Prizler, ASAP/Pioneer - Jessie Prizler, Iowa County Cattleman, Hoss Trucking, Cutting Edge Cattle Company, Don and Kelly Newton, Dee Zee, Blomme Ag Solutions, Hawk’s Construction, Cornfed Farms, LLC., Almond Products, Superior Extrusions Inc, State Steel of Des Moines, Shorr Packaging Corporation, Tasler Incorporated, Ryadon LLC, Showcoat Solutions, Southern Carlson, Phoenix Metals, Defiance Stamping, Heidtman Steel, Blake Boldon, Barry and Marna Mohr, Dustin Anthony, Daniel & Christine Kinney, Dave & Gwyn Edwards, Gary Rhinehard, Mike Wattieer
7. Sponsor: Iowa Bankers Association
Celebrity:Jeff Angelo, iHeart Radio Personality/WHO Radio
Exhibitor: Drew Tuttle, Winterset, IA
Steer: Eddy
Total: $15,504
Buyer: Knupp and Sons
Additional Donors: Ron & Vickie Lyson, J & L Custom Fence, Creston Livestock Market, Hometown Insurance & Realty, Bob & Lisa Miller, Double P Farms, C & J Wrecker LLC, Agrivision Equipment Group, Madison County Cattlemen's Association, Gillespie Family Farms, Flinn Farms LLC, Ilene Tuttle, Ryner Farms, ELH Remodeling LLC, Ziegler Ag Equipment, Clayton & Lori Allen, Tyson & Jenny Manny, Madison Enterprises, Lanny's Auto Co., United Contractors Inc, Ruby Tires, KSIB Radio, Tractor Supply Co, Bob Coulson- Custom Steel Builders, Boyle Sawmill, Schimmels Repair, Brian & Jamie Hart, Herdsman Boosters, Winterset Oil Company, Jen, Ron, Logan Lyon, Kim & Don Runge, Hirsch Electric, Sulco, Bud Tent, Dream Dirt, KNG Genetics, Dawney Financial, Inc., Benshoof Farms
8. Sponsors: Volunteer Boards of Iowa Ronald McDonald House Charities
Celebrity: Dryden Family, Carroll, IA family who utilized the Central Iowa Ronald McDonald House
Exhibitor: Leah Hoffman, West Bend, IA
Steer: Scooby Doo
Total: $8,971
Buyer: Hamilton County Camping Group
Additional Donors: Kevin Banwart, Kurt & Sara Bonnsteter, Sarah Bonnsteter, Bill and Shery Weir, Gary & Sue Schneider, Rhonda Sexton, K.C. Nielsen, LTD, Jerome Kuyper, Humboldt Vet Clinic, Brian & Kari Brace
9. Sponsors: Eastern Iowa Ronald McDonald House and Quad Cities McDonald's
Celebrity: Rebecca Kopelman, Meteorlogist for KGAN
Exhibitor: Will Vlasek, Cedar Rapids, IA
Steer: Goose
Total: $19,884
Buyer: Scott & Bev James
Additional Donors: Dan Houser, Jen Larson, Prull Group, Shaun Funke, Shawn Nove, Carol Cosgrove, Nocole Lee, John Clefisch, Robert Lee, Kate Ramaekers, Kevin Navin, Marla Austin, Melia Johnson, Pamela Peterson, Jennifer Johnson, Kristy Harder, Traci Davis, Carrie Kroymann, Amy Wilson, Franchesca Johnson, Allison Barnes, Tracy Knowled, Jessica Prepura, Allen Kopelman, Jill Brammer, Melissa Neis, Clara J Brown, Sonya Gwinn, Linda Stoll, Catherine Loyd, Angie Bresson, Lisa Lewis, Kathy Wiebold, Carrie Benjamin, Pamela Teno, Netolicky Cattle, Cletis Sloan, Prime Mechanical, Overhead Door Company of Cedar Rapids & Iowa City, Aegon Transamerica Foundation, Hills Bank & Trust Company, James & Laura Brecht, New Leader Manufacturing, Lucky’s Mobile Power Washing, Linn County Cattlemens Association, T&H Transportation, Cedar Rapids Prairie FFA Alumni & Supporters, Haley Equipment, Southpaw Print Co. LLC, Channel Seed - Nate Frese, S2V2 Show Cattle
10. Sponsors: Central Iowa Ronald McDonald Houses and Des Moines Area Independent Owner Operators
Celebrity: Lindsey Burrell, WHO 13 News Anchor
Exhibitor: Jenna Jones, Earlham, IA
Steer: Oakley
Total: $8,866
Buyer: J&D Restaurants
Additional Donors: Charles Lenze, CJ Kading, Teresa Olney, Holly Stephend, Tucker Mittag, Fred Wilker, Jolynn Ernst, Larry Eichenberger, Madison Co Cattlemen, R&B Feeds, Growmark
11. Sponsors: Siouxland Ronald McDonald House and Siouxland Area McDonald's Operators
Celebrity: Dr. Ben Schroeder, Heartland Docs Veterinarian
Exhibitor: Kami Schrunk, Anthon, IA
Steer: Chippy
Total: $12,666
Buyer: Producers Livestock Marketing Association
Additional Donors: Jon Wells, Ashley Ruba, Susan Klein, Bernadette Riley, Ben Jones, Pithan Feedlots, INC, Woodbury County Cattlemen, Bret & Jody Baldwin
12. Sponsor: Friends of Floyd County
Celebrity: Mary Ann Fox, 2022 Iowa State Fair Queen
Exhibitor: Taylor Quade, Charles City, IA
Steer: Max
Total: $31,102
Buyer: Cookies BBQ/Speeds Golf Carts
Additional Donors: Collette Schmidtke, Cindy Bradley, Frascht Cattle, Gary & Sandie Quade, Lemar Zimmerman, Knapp Finishers, Mary Ann Fox & Family, Mike & Tammy Quade Family, Ryan & Jessi Wegner, Wesco, Floyd County Cattlemen, Floyd County Fairgoers, Charles City Rotary Club, Countryside Construction, Cross Family, CUSB Bank, Darin & Brenda Putney Family, Peter's Excavation, Pro Cattle, Soifer Family McDonalds, In Memory of Gary Denniston, Daniels Auto Collision, Galen & Char Greenzweig, Joe & Brooke Peters Family, Charles City & Nashua Plainfield Trap Families, AMR -Dawn Staudt, Amy & Les Staudt, BTR Sweetcorn, Chuck & Angie Staudt Family, CropWise Consulting, Dan & Allison Staudt Family, Dustin & Laura Howe Family, Eric & Janan Brunner Family, Farm Credit Services, Farmers Feed & Grain, John Ruzicka Family, Lyle & Dawn Staudt Family, Mason Meyer, Matt & Tina Hoeft Family, Rod & Amy Frascht Family, Terry & Becky Meyer, Tim & Laura Paplow Family, Trent & Jerri Dight Family, Andy & Abbie Johnson Family, Bouska Ag Services, Farm Chem, Hejna Family, Howe Farms, Jeff & Kendra Harris Family, Kevin & Kim Kingery, Rob & Jen Schmit Family, Steve & Amy Bouska, Tanner Heitz, The Jensen Family, Viafield, Wegner Farms, Central Park Dentistry, Heitz Auto Repair, Koebrick Farms, Schradle Family, Wedeking Stock Farm, Bret, Ann, & Riley Spurgin, Bruce & Coke Copper, Caden's Crew Caden Woltjer, Chris & Lisa Garden, Cody & Kim Blunt Family, Collin & Kiah Brinkman, Colwell Tap, County Line Locker, Craig & Lisa Anderson, Dave & Cheryl Wetherall, DeBoest Concrete, Derailed, Don, Misty, & Mallory Koebrick, Family Consumer Credit Union, Fidelity Bank & Trust, First Citizens Bank, H & R Lawn Care LLC, Heyer Lawn Care, HyVee, Jeff & Cheryl Wistrom, Jeremy & Jodi Heyer, Jerry & Rosemary Meyer, Jo Macal, Joe & Sue Paulus, Johnson Seed, Jorgensen Farms, Knapp Farms, Lessin Supply, Lyle & JoLynn Eastman, Mark & Ann Chambers Family, Matt Williams Family, Maurice & Pam Johnson, Mike & Britany Paulus Family, Mike Molstead Motors, Neil Wenthe & Erica Holiday, North Iowa Software, Otos Oasis, Ryan & Shannon Schrader, Ryan and Shannon Venz, Scheuth Ace Hardware, Schmidtke Auto Body, Scott Heinz, Scott Niles & Trisha Hallet, Scott's Carpentry & More, State Farm, Swartzrock Imp. Co., The Merriss Family, The Mill Inc, Tjaden Farms, Tom & Roxanne Bjelica, Mary Hoeft, Kim Vance, Beth Foor, Gene & Ina Heitz, Jordan Rinken, Lydia Johnson, MPrints, Nancy Koenigsfeld, Tim And Christie Laube, Arlyn & Shirley Kukan, Jim Bearman, Matt & Madison Stille, Matt and Madison Stille Family, Ameleah McKenna, Anonymous, Darin Mitchell, Debbie Boge, Guy & Carol Carpenter, Jenisha Garden, Bev Selvig, Deb Roberts, Eric Dixon, Maya Bruening, Roxi Meek, Rustic Corner, Shelly Parson, Mike Roethler, Travis Thomas, Michelle Dohlman
13. Sponsor: Monroe County Cattlemen & Supporters
Celebrity: Jason Summers, Radio Personality KIIC & Community Leader
Exhibitor: Kolton Findley, Lovilia, IA
Steer: Friday Night Lights
Total: $13,389
Buyer: Sinclair Tractor
Additional Donors: Anissa Mick, Lisa Quimby, Shawna Anderson, Monroe County Cattlemen and Supporters, Animal Health Center, KIIC Thunder Country, Wirtjes Concrete, Nick & Jennie Drost, Summers Insurance, Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network, Ozinga Feed Service, Centerville Produce, Rozenboom Farms, JTF Farms - Jerry and Tonya Findley, Curran Cattle Co, Albia Hy-Vee, Central States Cattle, Steve & Lori Rockwell, First Iowa State Bank, People's State Bank, Steve & Jayne Rozenboom, Moravia Meat Locker, Restoration Dental Care, Jim & Connie Keller, Kevin & Wendy Dyson, Kirksville Livestock LLC, Russell Livestock Market, Steve & Karla Heffron, Todd & Melissa Ryan, Lawless Farms, Cason Pride & Joy Simmentals, Daryl and Terri Schofield Family, G & P Insurance, Jordon & Stephanie Haywood Family, Rich and Linda Scholtus, Don Teno Family, Albia Napa, Hawkeye Farm Mgmt & Real Estate, Stocker Farms, Quality Ag Service Inc, Jim & Charlie's Affiliated Foods, Joe & Barb Crall Family, Moravia Hardwoods, Houks Angus, BKT Angus, Tim & Cindy Kaldenberg Family, Wolfer Properties, Double D Repair, Beary Farms, Dowdy Farms English Mastiffs, Jeff & Julie Major, HMH Storage - Mike & Heather Flahive, Cory & Sheryl Smith, Mike & Ann Stocker, Lathrop Farms, Wes Aeschliman State Farm, Findley & Garrels Hand Fed Beef, TBC Insurance, Mark, Lisa, John Shepard, John Sowers, Herbold Cattle, Dr Ross & Phyllis Rekemeyer, Kevin & Angela Wilson, Falvey Lumber, Mike & Jane Knowles Family, Jim & Kathy Carr, Scieszinksi Construction, Henderson Cattle Inc- Bob, Patty, Aaron, Andy & Adam, Nathan and Rebecca Sarver Family, Feehans Pub, Log Chain Express, Bryan & Amber Reed Family, Mr Taco, Don & Norma Dyson, Jim & Lori Keller Family, Carolyn Ryan Family, Carr Show Cattle, Attica Animal Nutrition, Monroe Co Farm Bureau, Adams A/B Company, Conway Farms, Lucky's LLC - John & Payten Knowles, Mark Jacobs, Crall Pioneer Seed, Albia Animal Clinic, Dan & Jill Yule Family, Huber Farms, Tyler Boley, Broker - Mossy Oak Properties, Reck Bros & Sons, Payday Today
14. Sponsor: Iowa County Beef Supporters
Celebrity: Austin Blythe, Former Iowa Hawkeye Football Player and NFL Lineman
Exhibitor: Owen Axmear, North English, IA
Steer: Richard
Total: $18,061
Buyer: Sinclair Tractor
Additional Donors: Tim Vipond, Amy Stephenson, Marily Bartos, Amanda Osborn, Patrick O'Rourke, Kathy Goemaat, Dave Zimmerman, Julie Holt, A & M Earthmoving, Ace Hardware – Williamsburg, Fred & Jane Axmear, Raif Axmear, Scott & Shara Axmear, Steven & Stacy Axmear Family, Big G Foods- Garth Grafft, Big Iron Auctions- Chris Prizler, Blythe Crop Services, Bryant Kahler Trucking, Dan & Kris Burck, Capper Auto Group, Circle J Grain, Ralph Clubb, Cornfed Farms, County Bank, Aron, Stacey, Cole & Carlee Cremeens, Deitrich Hauling, Doug & Charlene Doehrmann, Bill Donohoe, Jaret Donohoe, Farm and Family Veterinary Clinics, Fraker Show Cattle, John & Lynn Gahring Family, Logan & Melinda Gahring, Grimm Company, Peggy Grimm, Scott Grimm & Sherry Caskey, Tim & Kim Grimm, Haack Custom Application, Buddy Haas, Taylor & Hannah Hagen, Todd, Wendy and Tanner Hagen, Shane Hansen, Doug & Amy Harrison, Garret & Olivia Harrison Cattle Co, Heitshusen Show Steers, Adam Heitshusen & Jordan Smith, Ethan Heitshusen, Neal & Mandy Hinrichsen, Homestead Precision Ag - Landon Wade, Hoss Trucking, Bob and Kathy Huber, Iowa County Ag, Iowa County Cattlemen, Iowa County Livestock Sale, Jackson Ag Services, Alan & Joelle Jensen, Jim Elwood Implement, Larry & Kris Jones, Russ & Joan Jones Family, Eric & Kendra Kahler, Matt Kahler Trucking, Dave Kaiser Family, KEOCO Auction Company, Mike & Erika Klingner Family, Caleb & Erin Koehn Family, Kevin & Chris Koehn, Koopman Forage Service, Jason Kruse and Family, Kuesel Brothers Seed, Lillis Insurance, Livestock Dispatch, Lockhart Grading LLC, Maas Show Cattle, Dave & Kimberly Maas, Stewart & Deb Maas, Dennis & Kimberly Maxwell Family, Mayberry Electric, Melinda's Dance Studio, Kurt & Marilyn Meyer Family, Montross Family Meats, Tom Olson, Oxford Sale Barn, Powell Funeral Home -Kenton & Kim Doehrmann, Todd & Janelle Roberts, Rodgers Cattle Company, George & Kim Scott Family, Bob Sinclair Family, Sumner Performance Horses - Arec & Jeana Heitman, TaterTough Foundation, Timm Show Cattle, Bob Trimpe Trucking, Rob & Mary Veatch, Veterinary Medical Center, Vogt Earthmoving, Matt & Angie Wardenburg Family, Werner Family Farms, Dave & Lois Werner, Richard Wetjen, Sean & Mary Wetjen Family, Widmer Cattle Co, Yenter Farms, Zuber Grain
15. Sponsors: Foster and Evelyn Barkema Charitable Trust and Friends of Franklin County Cattlemen
Celebrity: Haley Merfeld, Team Ryder
Exhibitor: Nadine Klaffke, Alden, IA
Steer: Goose
Total: $47,604
Buyer: Foster & Evelyn Barkema Trust, Franklin County Friends & Family
Additional Donors: Dawn Horgeshimer, Foster and Evelyn Barkema Charitable Trust, Franklin County Cattlemen, AgVantage FS, Finesse Livestock Enterprises, Franklin County Cattlemen, Gordan and Laurie Greimann, Hardin County Cattlemen, Jordahl Farms, Thorton FS, Zach and Haley Merfeld, In Loving Memory of Bret Halverson, Brass Farms Custom Ag, Brenda and Brian Fjeld, Central Iowa Fabrication, Chris and Melinda Vanness, Dennis Vanness, Ingham Ag Partners, Iowa Falls Diesel, John & Kim Kluesner, Larry and Karla Pals, Mark, Carma, & Joe DeVries Farms, Oak Rail Cattle Company, OnTheGoMedia, Poet Bioprocessing, Precision Farm Management Inc., Ritchie Industries, Rodney and Lacey Peters Family, Sheffield Veterinary Clinic, Showalter Farms, Sietsema Family Monument Sales, Patrick Sietsema & Family, Soifer Family McDonalds, Van Wall Equipment, In Loving Memory of Grandpa Lou, Marilyn Merfeld, 502 Grillhouse & Steaks, Air king Filtration, Inc., Barnhart Electric, Benning Farms, Bob and Jennifer Merfeld, CPC Borcherding Farms, Farm Credit Services of America, First Bank Hampton, Franklin County Farm Bureau, Franklin Grassland Seeds, Inc., Got you covered, Green Belt Bank and Trust, Howie Equipment, Jake Showalter, Jon and Nadine Baltes, Kalvig Cattle Company, Kellen Suntken Mid Iowa Real Estate, Kent Kenniger, Kreimeyer Farms, KTM, Lady of the Lake, Latham Hi-Tech Seeds, M & B Cattle Company, Marzen Seed, Michael & Heather Vierkandt, Mort's Water Company, Nick and Heidi Merfeld, Nimrod Meats, Ozinga Feed, Pro Cattle, Runge Farms, Staple D Land & Livestock, Strother Cattle Company, Suntken Family, Swenson Angus, The Chamness Family, The Lancaster Family, The Pinnacle Group, LLC, United Bank and Trust Company, Van Wert Club Lambs, Wagner Farms, West Rail Enterprises, Wyffels Hybrids, Emmanuel Reformed Church, Poke and Hope Cattle, Ellen Flickenger, Abby and Tyler Baltes, Brian Krause & Family, Jim Jensen, Larry Hindman, Mel and Zoe Brown, Kathleen Shreckengost, Molly and Russell Allen, Judy Derock, John Winkles
16. Sponsor: Iowa Junior Hereford Association
Celebrity: Barry Goettsch, Compass Memorial Hospital CEO
Exhibitor: Hayden Wade, Oxford, IA
Steer: Goose
Total: $19,914
Buyer: Iowa Junior Hereford Association
Additional Donors: Ron Tanke, Andrea Healey, Crystel Suhr, Ann Wood, Vicki Jensen, Susan Dubishar, Chris Downes, Eva Goettsch, Janis Hauenstein, Jade Wagner, Iowa Junior Hereford Assoc., Pat Ruth, Liv Stratton, Depot Express, Marlene Schulte, Harld Studebaker, Emmie Jones, Olivia Stratton, Jim Baack, Roberston Construction, Half Moon Kennels, Allison Malandra, Jason Bulecheck, Natasha Fuerebach, Ness Woodworking, Uhlmann Furniture, Sherry Brennaman, Capper Auto, Sundown Bar and Grill, TNT Landscaping LLC, Donna and Daryl Blythe, Todd and Wendy Hagen, Jim Tandy, John Tandy, Tom and Jen Fuller, Rich and Pam Loan, Jess Uhlmann, Lane Meyer, Anthony and Katie Monroe, Aero Rental, Becky Baumgartner, Pam and Doug Darrow, Daryl and Donna Blythe, Tyler Rodgers, Mary Ann Carter, Judy Thorn, Logan and Melinda Garing, Compass Memorial, Brian Rustand, Leighton's Herefords, Vonahsen Farms, Sandy Kinzenbaw, Ace Hardware, Sinclair Tractor, Todd, Jenelle, Sam, Walker Welding, Stratton Family, Kevin and Joan Vondracl, Moriah Johnson, George Scott, Scott and Sharalee Axme, Caleb and Erin Koehn, Rob and Mary Veatch, Neil and Mandy Hinrichsen, Russ and Joan Jones, Charlies Welding, First Trust, Bub Stockman, Jeff Stratton, Oxford Sale Barn, Dan Downes, Bob and Ann Wood, Chris and Jesse Prizler, Marshek Family, Hi Point Golf Course, Dr. Terry Babor, Ed Kasper, VMC, Tim Schanbacher, Mina Lea Johnson, Cornfed Farms, Windmill Manor, North Liberty Damily Hea, Premier Automotive, Jim Yenter, Amy Butterbaugh, Collin Vondrachek, Crees Farm Partnership
17. Sponsors: Benton County Cattlemen and Local Supporters
Celebrity: Mike Naig, Iowa Secretary of Ag
Exhibitor: Emma Wayson, Mount Auburn, IA
Steer: Junior
Total: $24,825
Buyer: Benton County Cattlemen & Supporters
Additional Donors: Kevin Keiser, Maggie Muller, Shelley Mossman, Krysta Metz Bryars, Alissa Mann, Sarah Wood, Joel Hollenbeck, Doug Wilson, Anna Stadel, Benton County Cattlemen, Bret and Tina Nelson, Tama Benton Coop, Wilson Hite Insurance, Linn Coop Newhall, Newhall Feed Service, Koopman Forage Services, Kaiser AG, Schanbacher Seed, Eden Mutual, Gorkow Tractor Repair, Smith Farms, Ferguson Farms, Reick Farms, RMA Trucking, John and Ellen Olson, Bloomsbury Farms, Ever AG, Siela Family, Dave and Jane Kaiser, US Bank Vinton, Bob Hanson Pioneer Seed, Atkins Savings Bank, Mid Iowa Coop, Scott and Jenni Birker, Soifer Family McDonalds, AG Land Realty, Wayson Family Farms, BJ & Michelle Wayson, Glen & Fauzan Smith, Selma Kaiser, Smith Land Service Co, Van Land Inc, Abernathey Family Farms, Lawrence Iowa LLC, Robert Hanson Pioneer, Whitefront Feed & Seed, Bodensteiner Implement Co, Bayer Crop Science, US Bank, Vinton, Blue Equipment- Kinze, Peter & Ellie Smith, Travis Petersen, Vavroch Trucking, Hendryx Electric, Cappel's Ace Hardware, Jorgensen Dirtworks, Dan & Nancy Van Steenhuyse, Marlyn & Ann Jorgensen, Jason Kurt, Pat Donnelly, Adam Rowe Pioneer, Assured Partners, Mid-Iowa Coop, MyYield, Altorfer Inc, Goretska Show Steers, Merschman Fertilizer- John O'Neill, Wayson Family Chiropractic, Dave & Jane Kaiser, Tim Kaiser, Katie Kaiser, Rob & Mary Veatch, Mike & Carrie Dideriksen, Alan & Linda Robinson
18. Sponsor: Iowa Corn Promotion Board
Celebrity: Dennis Friest, President Iowa Corn Growers Association
Exhibitor: Logan Faris, Eldora, IA
Steer: Max
Total: $7,508
Buyers: Friends & Family of Logan Faris, Iowa Corn Promotion Board
Additional Donors: Jim & Marsha Roland, Tiffany Johnson, Brady Lancaster, Kelly and Gary Hendrick, Cheryl Mannetter, Daryl & Kathy Gilmore, Iowa Corn Promotion Board and Friends and Family of Logan Faris
19. Sponsor: Johnson County Cattlemen & Reeve Farms
Celebrity: James Morris, Former Hawkeye & NFL Football Player
Exhibitor: Carter Tomas, Swisher, IA
Steer: Diesel
Total: $14,420
Buyer: Tama Livestock
Additional Donors: Cassie Hager-Smith, Cindy Grgurich, Deb Tomas-Milota, Lori Stratton, Melanie Stahlberg, Sarah Boys, Tim Eiteman, Trisha Sheeley, Diann Barrigar, Matthew Lee, Nancy Weigel, Greg Merz, Deb Tomas-Milota, Pat Zamastil, Matthew Kroul, Heidi Tomas, Angie Wagner, Alishia Moore, Cody Whittom, Diamond V, Dave Beitz, Monica Davis, Kristie Clark, Joan Vondracek, Alan Cuhel, Barry Frantz Construction, Hills Bank, Mardesen Family Angus, Chris Bowersox Family, Farm Financial Strategies, Inc. (Hickory Hills LLC), Plum Creek Trucking, Rick and Stefanie Kasper, Aupp Automotive (included in Rick Kasper check), West Branch Animal Clinic, Rogers Construction (Tyler Rogers), FJ Krob Company, OPN Architects, Van Meter Industrial, Tomas Farms, Big Country Seeds, Tom & Megan Hughes Family, Wes & Charrisse Reynolds Family, Sinclair Tractor, Finca Ponderosa (Dennis Hebl), Burns Angus (Johnson County Cattleman's Assn), Clear Creek Express (Curtis Allen), Kevin Kinney, Eldon C Stutsman Inc, Allen Family, Norm Ziskovsky (Rick Kasper), Ruzicka's Meat Processing, Moriah Johnson, Collin Vondracek, Marshek Family, Shalla Family Farms, Bud's Custom Meats Inc., CR Prairie FFA Alumni & Supporters, David & Kathy Bowersox, Carol Cuhel & Family, Steinbrech Family, Alan Ziskovsky, Curtin Show Cattle, Fertile Valley Farm (Leslee Crow), Gary & Marlene Read, Oxford Sale Barn, Will & Tracy Boston, Leo Rigel, Dan & Michelle Hager, Ed Kasper
20. Sponsors: Jackson County Cattlemen and Friends of Jackson County
Celebrity: Marty Schwager, Executive Director, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
Exhibitor: Kambree Schwager, Bellevue, IA
Steer: Cash
Total: $9,418
Buyer: Jackson Co. Cattlemen & Friends of Jackson County
Additional Donors: Ruhl & Ruhl Realtors, Susie Poulton, Sarah Schaefer, Pat McGonegle, Chuck Schwager, Jason Kintzle, Abbey Sparks, Erin Foust, Jackson Co. Cattlemen & Friends of Jackson County Cattlemen
21. Sponsors: Iowa Veterinary Medical Association and ISU College of Veterinary Medicine
Celebrity: Dr. Dan Grooms, Stephen G. Juelsgaard Dean of Veterinary Medicine
Exhibitor: Leah Bean, Marathon, IA
Steer: Chunky Monkey
Total: $9,885
Buyer: Tama Livestock
Additional Donors: Spencer Ag Center, Emily Sievers, Smith Family Beef, Lake View Veterinary Services, Stalcup Ag, Spencer Ag Services, Richardson Seed, BV County Cattlemen’s, United Bank of Iowa, Paul Fullenworth, AgState & Show Rite Feeds, Colleen Miller, Sharon Hodapp, Stephanie Lantz, Reggie Voyles Family, Lake Animal Hospital
22. Sponsor: District 20 Cattlemen's Associations
Celebrity: Dr. Sand Hong, M.D., University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital
Exhibitor: Henry Steffensmeier, West Point, IA
Steer: Stetson
Total: $29,000
Buyer: District 20 Cattlemen & Friends
Additional Donors: Stephanie Mohrfeld, Linda Menke, Darrell and Abbie Steffensmeier, 321 Trucking, A3B Livestock, Ag Results LLC, Agrineed Inc., AgriSource, Anonymous, B & B Propane, B.A.N.K. of Morning Sun, Bar 20 Ranch, Beck's Hybrids, Bennet Ag Research Corp, Big River Resources of Burlington, Boonies, Brighton Locker, C.J. Tire and Service, Carl Lund, Caves Cattle Co., Central Iowa KFC, INC, Chad Holtkamp, Chem Gro-Houghton, Cornerstone Construction, Creston Livestock, Dan Denney, Dan Sullivan, Darbyshire Show Cattle & Trucking, Davis Homes, Delaney Cattle Co - Dan & Chris, Denning Family Farms, Des Moines County Cattlemen, Dickey Oil Corp., DMC Mutual Insurance, Donnellson Chiropractic, Dorian Atwood, Fairfield Hometown Store, Farm Credit Services of America, Farmer's Elevator & Exchange-Wapello, Gary Anderson Insurance, Gillam Ag Service, Graber Electric, Graber Kendall and Shelly, Graber Services LTD, Gray Stone Catle Company, Great Day Café, Green Valley Seed, Hair Designers, Hawkeye Steel, Heartland Storage LLC, Heater Farms, Henry County Cattlemen, Hickenbottom Inc., Hinshaw Trailer Sales, Hoenig Tree Service, Holganix Midwest, Homestead Financial, Howard & Jeanette Steffensmeier, Hy-Vee Mt. Pleasant, J.W. Vittetoe Pork, J&J Ag (Jerry Johnson), J&L Farms, J&S Precision Ag, JD Walker DVM, Jeff & Nancy McGohan, Jefferson County Cattlemen, Jim Baier Inc., JJ Nichting, JM Electric, Joe & Nicole Syfert, John & Charlotte Peck, Joyce & Mike Kruse, JP & Jackie Welcher, Kalona Sales Barn, Kayser Soil Service, Kelley Show Catle, KEOCO Auction Co., Keosauqua Lumber Company, KILJ Radio, Kisling Custom Cattle Working, Larry & Joan Steffensmeier, Lee County Bank, Lee County Vet Care, Libertyville Savings Bank, Liz & Terry Moeller, Lock Cattle Company, Mann's McDonalds, Matt & Michelle Hunt, MD Orthopedics Inc., Mediapolis Savings Bank, Merit Auction, Merschman Fertilizer, MF Cattle LLC (Thom Miller), MG Cattle (Mark and Gina Steffensmeier, Midwest One Bank, Miles Wellman Construction, Miller Plumbing and Heating, Mincer Ford, Moore Seed & Service, Moore's Grocery, Morning Sun Farm Implement, Mt Pleasant Tire, Mt. Hamill Elevator & Lumber, Noll Beef - Russ & Kathy, Packwood Locker And Meats, Paul Hagist, Pilot Grove Savings Bank, Pivot Bio, Quality Plus Feed, Randy Gipple, Riverbend Pizza, Riverview Financial Group P.C., RJM Automotive, Rob Smith-H&R Block Mt P and FF, Rosemary Hammes, RPM Automotive, Scheuermann Chiropractic, SE Iowa Livestock & Pet, Shepherd’s Hill Charolais, Sherod Farms LLC, Shottenkirk, Sinclair Tractor – Mediapolis, Sinclair Tractor-Houghton, Sonny's, Star G Ranch Inc, Steffener Show Cattle, Steffes Group Inc., Steffes Group Inc., Stone House Angus, Thompson Farm Supply, Tim & Carol Whitaker, TJ & Dr. Dana Breacount, Tom Bonnichsen Farm, Tugboat Transportation, Unionville Livestock Market, Van Buren County Cattlemen, Walljasper Implement, Walljasper Vet Clinic, Wasko Hardware, Inc., Wayland State Savings Bank, Weile Motors, Wellman Cattle Co., Wells Brothers Pharmacy, Wilson Bros. BBQ, Winfield Builders, Wishing Well Angus, Wright Farms
23. Sponsor: Iowa Premium
Celebrity: Kaylynn Murty, 2022 Tama County Fair Queen
Exhibitor: Colbie Fevold, Gladbrook, IA
Steer: Mighty Mavrick
Total: $32,609
Buyer: Iowa Premium, A National Beef Company
Additional Donors: Stacey Handsaker, Sam Brown, Kylie Riechmann, Jana Lyle, Tracie Miller, Clifford West, Jeanne Lindblom, Paula Busch, Shelly Holiday, Darcy Eibs, Lorraine Larson, Lindsay Plet, Mary Ann Berggren, Kathleen Fawcet, Kylie Riechmann, Marcy Johnson, LaQueta Gallagher, Kathryn Hulst, Pam Goos, John & Debbie Wagner, Lori Riechmann, Levi Traeger, Shauntay Ricket, Danielle Kellogg, Mitchell Family Funeral Home, Iron Sharpens Iron, Central Iowa Farm Store, Happy Tails, Theisen's, Hrabak Lumber, Pinnacle Bank, LB Goats(Lane Boldt), Strand's, Steckelberg Vet Clinic, Boxel, Bar S Catle, Shomo-Madsen Insurance, Charlene Roseland, Dolezal Farm Supply, 2B Equine & Fireworks, Todd & Cindy Bird, Luethje Auto Sales, Liberty Excavating, Harrah's Field Tiling, Jason & Kathy Roseland, Tama Livestock Auction, Werners Grain & Feed LLC, Spanky & Son Auction, Spanky's, Mid-Iowa Co-op, Green Castle Shorthorns, C&M Trucking LLC, Murty Farms, Verg's Garage, G&B Ag, Hawkins Electric Service, Marshalltown Alarm, Jennifer Anderson, API Solutions, Farmers Savings Bank & Trust, Justin Kupka, AWE, Farmers Feed & Supply, North Tama Vet Clinic
24. Sponsor: Upper Iowa Beef
Celebrity: Micah Barnes, 2023 Miss Rodeo Iowa
Exhibitor: Andrew Matthias, Fairbank, IA
Steer: Louis
Total: $18,124
Buyer: Upper Iowa Beef
Additional Donors: Bret Flaharty, Jake Stien, POET Grain, Tanya Hagenow, Paul Leistikow, Judy Van Dyk, Lisa Myers, First Bank, Ron & Judy Leistikow, Myers Polaris Inc, Chad & Amber VanDaele, Readlyn Savings Bank, L & L Ag Repair, David Wheeler _ DeKalb-Asgrow Dealer, Bremer County Fair, Modern Building Products, Jensen Angus Farm, Grumpy's Bar and Event Center, Landmark Turf Services, TruServe Insurance Group, LLC, David C. Matthias - Farm Bureau Financial Services, Josh & Sarah Orchard, Neil Catle, Oran Mutual Telephone, Northeast Security Bank, Hinrichs Seeds, Bremer County Cattlemen’s Assoc., Chad Heim Excavating, Leisikow Data & Drone Service LLC, Joyce & David Dickes, Reiher Trucking, Bayer Chemicals by Kevin Bound, Matthias Grandchildren, Spring Center Farm, Kyle Devoe